Wednesday, May 22, 2013

[Naruto doujinshi] 愛情の記憶 (Aijou no Kioku) - Memories of Affection - SULALY

I just found a very cute and hilarious doujinshi about the Uchiha family >///< So fun to read this doujinshi that  I want to share with you guys~
  • TITLE: Aijou no Kioku (Memories of Affection) 
  • CIRCLE: SULALY (10-RANKAI's half) 
  • ARTIST: emi 
  • PAIRING: None, unless you count Uchiha family x Sasuke 
  • SUMMARY: Sasuke is traumatized for life. Lots of Fugaku and Itachi competing for Sasuke's love, Mikoto being a badass mother, and Sasuke getting the short end of the stick. CRACK.
  • Download @pinkushoten@LJ
  • Read vtrans HERE

Image heavy load ahead warning~
